Waitangi Treaty Grounds opening during Level 2

Waitangi Treaty Grounds will be opening to the public from Saturday 16th May with a range of COVID-19 safety measures in place. Waitangi is committed to keeping visitors and staff safe at Aotearoa New Zealand’s most important historic site.

During lockdown Level 4 the Treaty Grounds were looked after by staff who live onsite and during Level 3 staff undertook a wide range of maintenance and improvement projects. The taonga and artworks in the museums got a well-deserved rest from light exposure, with no lights on for the entire lockdown period, while all buildings and the grounds received a thorough clean and tidy up.

Chief Executive Greg McManus is excited the Treaty Grounds will be open again from Saturday. “We are thrilled to be able to open our doors again and offer a full programme of tours and cultural performances. Obviously we won’t be seeing any international visitors for some time so it is a great time for New Zealanders to visit Waitangi without the crowds and immerse themselves in our shared history. It is also a great opportunity for people to visit our newest museum – Te Rau Aroha – which only opened in February.” Te Rau Aroha tells the story of Māori commitment and sacrifice in the NZ Armed Forces from 1840 to the present day.

McManus adds, “Waitangi is the most important visitor destination in Northland so we feel a big responsibility to be open and leading the recovery of tourism in the region. We are very pleased we can do this and look forward to welcoming everyone again from this weekend.”

COVID-19 Level 2 safety measures in place at Waitangi:

  • Contact tracing procedures will be in place at the main entrance;
  • The frequency of the cleaning regime across all staff and public areas will be increased, including regular sanitisation of tables, door handles, chairs, Eftpos machines, lift buttons and surfaces including interactive touchscreens and benches;
  • Tour numbers will be limited and visitors asked to keep a safe distance from each other;
  • Audio devices used during guided tours will be sanitised between each tour;
  • Seating for cultural performances will be arranged to ensure safe distancing is maintained;
  • Hongis and handshakes will be removed from pōwhiri and cultural performances;
  • Extra hand sanitising stations have been placed throughout the grounds.

If you have been asked to self-isolate due to potential exposure to COVID-19, or feel at all unwell, please do not visit Waitangi Treaty Grounds.


________________________________________________________________________________For more information contact Nineke Metz, Marketing Manager, Waitangi Treaty Grounds ninekemetz@waitangi.org.nz , mobile 027 242 5913

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