“Venture Taranaki is delighted with today’s announcement of the Tourism Communities: Support, Recovery and Re-set Plan from the Minister of Tourism. The Plan will provide much-needed relief for many operators and in the long term help to future-proof Aotearoa’s tourism sector”.

“In particular, we’re delighted that $26 million in funding is allocated to Regional Tourism Organisations, which would enable Venture Taranaki as the regional development agency, to continue to amplify its regional tourism activities”.

“This funding is key to build on the momentum gained through our Strategic Asset Protection Programme (STAPP). This includes visitor futures work, an innovative design thinking future-focused approach shaping future-ready visitor experiences in Taranaki”.

“It’s a significant piece of work that supports Taranaki’s 2050 Roadmap for a low-emissions future and visitor sector action plan, to ultimately support a vibrant region, humming with creativity and hospitality”.

“We look forward to learning how this funding will be rolled out and hope the allocation will be based on a logical approach recognising true regional need and strengths, as the STAPP funding was”.

If you require further comment or information please get in touch.

Ngā mihi,


Sophie Kelly
Senior Communications and Marketing Adviser | Venture Taranaki Trust

Tel: 06 759 5150  |  M: 022 352 9851

Email: sophie@venture.org.nz

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